WordPress/Thesis Tutorial: Custom Google Search Engine

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One of the things you always want to provide visitors to your website is a good search tool. The default search tool that comes standard with WordPress is adequate. However, if your website covers a topic, or area of topics, or you have a Google AdSense account, you can take advantage of Google's Custom Search Tool. (more…)

hlw sir i’m having problem with google custom search! i exactly did what you told. May be something went wrong……..
Do you know how to highlight the search terms using Thesis’ default search widget?
thanks, finally found how to create custom search in my thesis
Great tutorial and as a result I got myself a searcbox and results page
However I only get two search results shoing on the reults page!
Would  you know a way to fix this and or what the problem could be
Best Regards
this is simple great thanks , but i need to ask how can i place google search on top in my home page pls help me and i need to activate comments on my site so do help me on that to thanks 
Thanks! This helped me get search straightened out so I could stop using those questionable search plugins.
I was able to fix the issue.
Thanks so much for this!
Great tutorial. Thanks for sharing.
Good tutorial, but couple of questions:
1. You created a http://your_domain_name/search/ but inserted “Google Search result code” in it. Shouldn’t this be “Search boc code”?
2. You asked to keep a note of the page ID to be used later, but I can’t see any use of it anywhere. Did I miss something?
The search box code you copy from Google is pasted into a sidebar widget. And as for the ID I believe you are correct. I don't see a way for it to be used. 🙂
I know AdSense typically takes a while to show up on a site, but I've waited a few hours and still no dice. I followed those steps but when you press enter, you're brought to my home page. Do you know what I've done wrong? http://www.askthedentist.com Thank you!
Will, Thanks so much for sharing what you have found. Really valuable info. Appreciate it much.
Happy New Year!
For anyone else that may run into this, I discovered that you can not use the default setup wizard that comes up when you go to the Custom Google Search Tool. Fro some reason the wizard no longer gives you the option to host the results on your own page. You must click the button that says you want all Google Search creation options on one page. Then you will find the option to host the results on your own site's page.
It looks like the Google Custom Search Tool pages have changed. Both this tutorial and the WordPress plugin instructions can't be followed because the code page at Google no longer seems to allow for hosting the results on a page on your site. You can host them at Google or have them listed in the sidebar below your widget. (looks terrible). None of the control panel pages or options give you a way to do this as described.
Will, Thanks so much for sharing what you have found. Really valuable info. Appreciate it much.
Happy New Year!
For anyone else that may run into this, I discovered that you can not use the default setup wizard that comes up when you go to the Custom Google Search Tool. Fro some reason the wizard no longer gives you the option to host the results on your own page. You must click the button that says you want all Google Search creation options on one page. Then you will find the option to host the results on your own site's page.
It looks like the Google Custom Search Tool pages have changed. Both this tutorial and the WordPress plugin instructions can't be followed because the code page at Google no longer seems to allow for hosting the results on a page on your site. You can host them at Google or have them listed in the sidebar below your widget. (looks terrible). None of the control panel pages or options give you a way to do this as described.
'zero' knowledge like me, that's what I meant lol
I have figured out the css iframe css issue as well.
thanks a bunch!
wow very helpful for someone who has 'zero' knowledge about coding.
I need to adjust the iframe as it is overflowing over the side bar. Would assist me with that?
This is a great little tutorial, worked perfectly, not as much going back and forth as you alluded to. Very impressed. Thank you.
This is a great little tutorial, worked perfectly, not as much going back and forth as you alluded to. Very impressed. Thank you.
Thanks for the article on this, much appreciated.
Thanks for the article on this, much appreciated.
Interesting because I see no ads floated to the right when I search.
Can you email me a screen shot?
Great tut! I love the fact that you added the CSS styling at the end of it but there is something I'm not sure about. It seems like whenever I use your search box, there is only one Google ad floated to the right. How did you do that?
Actually… I've since figured out what I did. I changed the permalinks for all permalinks to point to search_results.
it seems I cannot change the permalink for a single page. they all have to follow the same format. (So my search results page is “http://lazysupper.com/?page_id=645” and I can't seem to change it.)
Nope. Not resolved.
The search results page is there (and search works fine).
However, ALL of my blog post headings now point to “http://lazysupper.com/http:/lazysupper.com/search_results/”
I can't figure out why it would do this?
You may have resolved it. I see the result go to http://lazysupper.com/search-results/
Thanks for the tutorial. It works for the search.. however now all of my posts go to “http://lazysupper.com/http:/lazysupper.com/search_results/” !!
I didn't change anything in any php files or do anything other than what you described above.
Now I can't go to individual posts.
Remedy or thoughts?
I'm willing to bet the width is hard coded in the html. Check the tag
for the input box.
I can't get my width to change, I've tried changing it in both the Javascript and with CSS to no avail. Any ideas?
Hi Bert,
Great info (as always!).
Is there an easy way to adapt this code to work with the Custom Search Element feature (to display results in an overlay)?

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