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1 min read
One of the things you always want to provide visitors to your website is a good search tool. The default search tool that comes standard with WordPress is adequate. However, if your website covers a topic, or area of topics, or you have a Google AdSense account, you can take advantage of Google's Custom Search Tool. (more…)
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1 min read
One of the things I learned from creating multiple custom page templates within the Thesis framework was how to create and modify sidebars. WordPress and Thesis provide you with a simple an effective way for implementing sidebars on your website with the use of simple syntax, options, and widgets. (more…)
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11 min read
One of the tools that I use is Chris Pearson's fantastic Thesis WordPress theme framework. In an effort to contribute back to both the Thesis and WordPress communities I have documented how to embed the Next-Gen Gallery plugin to your header, or banner image and place your logo above it. This functionality allows you the ability to have your banner image change how you …

bertmahoney.com was made for you by me—Bert—using WordPress with the Semplice theme, a variety of plugins, a sprinkling of custom programming for effect, lots and lots of coffee—actually too much coffee—and 90's hip-hop.




More details in the Colophon.


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