August 23, 2024Comments are off for this post.

Titles in Software Design: Identity Crisis, Problem, or Nonsense?

I know that the software design industry has seen monumental changes over the past 30 years because I've worked through them. One of the most noticeable shifts I have seen is the titles we use to describe our roles. What started as a straightforward designation has evolved into a complex array of specialized titles. This evolution reflects the industry's growth and diversification but has led to confusion and an identity crisis for many designers, myself not included. I've seen flamewars get out of hand over what title people had—a "die on this hill" moment became real; it was that important to them.

The Early Days: Simplicity in Titles

When I started professionally focusing on web and software design in 1995, titles were straightforward. You were either a "Web Designer," a "Software Designer," a "Webmaster," or a "Software Developer." The core tasks of designing and coding software clarified the distinction between roles. The simplicity of these titles made it easy to understand who did what within a project.

"Back then, we had the knowledge, ability, and skills to create solutions to software problems. It was a straightforward game of defining the problem, researching, learning, building, testing, breaking, and reverse engineering until you delivered. The tools and times are different, but the process feels largely the same at a high level."

The Emergence of Specialized Roles

As the industry grew and technology advanced, the complexity of the work naturally increased, leading to the emergence of specialized roles. I once held the exalted title of "Webmaster," where I could take care of everything on a website, even code to connect to a Perl-powered CGI script—table-based layouts and spacer.gif days.

Then, somewhere in the design universe, a title fell out of the sky that differentiated someone with a more "precise" title—no idea who, not the point. We saw the rise of UI designers, UX Designers, Interaction Designers, and Product Designers, among others. Each title addressed specific aspects of the design process, from user interfaces to overall user experience and product strategy.

Most of this occurred when I had my head down, working my *$$ off designing, learning, breaking, fixing, testing, launching, and repeating essentially forever. Like many other professionals, I signed up in 2007, got busy, and logged in intermittently. We were too busy working and 'trying' to have a life, avoid burnout, and, for some, raise a family—and then somehow find time for social. I'd rather have sleep, please.

Around that same time, I got busy working and had my head down, plus raising three boys. The titles began to vary more, and the industry's growth was strong for a long time until Sylvester McMonkey McBean (the Fix-It-Up Chappie) from the Sneetches set up UX boot camps everywhere so people could get a UX stamped on their belly. We have too many with UX on their belly, and non-designers may struggle to distinguish between them and the OGs, but I digress—whole other post.

"I find it amusing when people get hung up on these titles. For example, when asked my 75-year-old mother thought a 'product designer' designed the physical box of an item, 'where the cereal goes,' she said. For her, a product is tangible, like an iron, a car, or a refrigerator. When I explained 'software designer,' she immediately understood it had to do with what shows up on a phone or computer screen."

Identity Crisis: Software Designer, UX Designer, or Product Designer?

The plethora of titles in the design industry can be confusing. Am I a software designer, a UX designer, or a product designer? Each title suggests a different focus, yet the boundaries are often blurred. This identity crisis can lead to confusion within the industry and for those trying to enter it. It's not uncommon to see job postings with overlapping responsibilities, making it difficult for designers to find a role that truly fits their skills and interests, and simultaneously floods recruiters because of some.

For example, we do not have UX Developers or Product Developers; we have Developers or Engineers—keep the core function uncomplicated and then add a qualifier.

To my esteemed colleagues in the design world, it's essential to be consistent and straightforward with our design titles inside the technology industry.

The problem arises when people need help understanding what we do when we say, 'I am a ________ Designer.' The key lies in the qualifier before 'designer'—just like fashion, graphic, or industrial designers. We know what type of designer they are by what precedes it.

However, the term 'Product' does not evoke the concept of software, UX, or UI to the layman. A Product Designer makes my 75-year-old mom think of cereal boxes, "or they design the boxes the product goes into," as she put it.

Without concrete data…

We're a poll conducted; it would support this assumption. I can state this because I used to design digital things before anyone had actual data, hahaha. I'm not afraid to make declarations or take a position like that unless I feel I know it because of learned experience.

Consider this poll given to a random sample of professional adults NOT in the technology industry:

Which of the following job titles designs software?

  1. UX Designer
  2. Product Designer
  3. UX/UI Designer
  4. UI Designer
  5. None of the Above

Who would argue that 'None of the Above' wouldn't outperform every other option here?

The Impact of Titles on Professional Identity

Titles do more than describe our roles—they shape our professional identities to the extent we allow them. A title can influence how we see ourselves and how others perceive us. In a rapidly evolving field, having a clear, well-defined title can provide a sense of stability and purpose. However, the constant flux of new titles can lead to insecurity and uncertainty. People may fear changing their title or what they call themselves professionally because sometimes it can be genuinely impactful, like having your salary or hourly "adjusted" along with the title change. For those who are only mentally crushed by it, take a deep breath; it will be ok, I promise.

"It's crucial for designers to remember that they are not their job or job title. Don't cling to these identifiers because change is inevitable, and each change can shake your self-identity and create confusion. Designers are passionate people who take their work seriously, so they naturally take their identity seriously. I understand this deeply, having experienced firsthand the crushing blow of a job title change or a role redefinition. It's vital to focus on your skills, your ability to solve the right problems, and your creativity rather than the title you hold."

Titles also help convey what you do, so simpler is better. More precise is not. For example, tell grandma you're a software designer, not a 'UX/UI IC Level 3 Designer' or any other ridiculous website title. Simplicity aids in understanding and prevents unnecessary confusion.

Conclusion? Maybe, but I doubt it.

The evolution of titles in software design reflects the industry's growth and the increasing complexity of our work, which is all fine and good. There are new job titles to come with AI, probably inside our field; who knows?

While specialized titles can help define roles and responsibilities within an organization or an industry, they can create confusion inside and outside the industry and an identity crisis.

As designers, we must remember that our value lies in our skills and contributions, not our titles. By focusing on what we do best, we can confidently navigate the ever-changing landscape of the design industry. And to younger designers, remember: you are not your job or your title. By anchoring your identity in your skills and passions and solving the right problems, you can weather the inevitable shifts in the industry.

Embrace change because it is inevitable.

If we keep titles simple to ensure they effectively convey what we do, we help everyone.

Next Thanksgiving, do Grandma and Uncle Jim a favor when they ask, "What is it you do again?" Tell them you're a Software Designer; it makes a difference, like a micro-interaction.

What say you?

July 31, 2024Comments are off for this post.

Embracing AI in UX and UI Design: A Game-Changer for Articulating Visual and Functional Needs

As an experienced UX and UI designer, incorporating AI into my workflow was a no-brainer, and it has transformed how I approach design and development. With AI, I can precisely frame my visual and functional requirements, allowing me to identify potential design and engineering issues before presenting them to developers—this is a far more efficient use of our limited time budgets. I'll use a tool like to test an early idea and explore basic feasibility. This proactive approach significantly improves the efficiency of my work.

AI tools enable me to create detailed prototypes and simulations, helping me visualize end products more accurately. This capability allows me to explore and refine ideas extensively, pushing the boundaries of creativity and functionality. When I collaborate with developers, I have a well-defined vision that minimizes misunderstandings and maximizes productivity. I can also share my sandbox, where I play with ideas.

AI-driven design tools streamline the iteration process. I can quickly test different design elements and functionalities, receiving immediate feedback that guides my decisions. This iterative approach ensures I address potential issues early, leading to a smoother development process and a more polished final product.

This AI-driven design transformation is helping me reach the right solutions far faster.

Real-World Application: Designing a Digital Split-Flap Display

One real-world example of how I use AI in my design process is creating a digital split-flap display similar to those seen in European train stations. I have a clear visual concept and understand the functional requirements. However, determining the most efficient coding approach is beyond my expertise, as my primary focus is design. Nevertheless, my programming background, having coded since I was 14, allows me to bridge the gap between design and development effectively. I can ask AI to fulfill specific requirements, and it can provide solutions for me to try. I continue to iterate as I find my way to a solution, but as mentioned, far faster than before.

Integrating Voice Synthesis for a Radio Noir Project

Installing an open-source language model on my laptop, I'm also venturing into a radio noir side project for fun. This model will synthesize my voice to read raw text into MP3 files, adding a unique and personal touch to my project. Utilizing AI for voice synthesis on my laptop allows me to avoid costs from online providers when I only want to dabble in it for learning and to see what I can do. Creatively, this approach allows for more dynamic and engaging storytelling, perfect for the immersive nature of radio noir.

Looking Ahead

I am excited to continue on these paths, eager to see where all this new learning takes me and where the AI and design industries are headed. Integrating AI in design and development opens up new possibilities.

Like so many times before, I am excited to be at the forefront of this evolution of technology.


#UXDesign #UIDesign #AIDesign #ArtificialIntelligence #TechInnovation #DesignThinking #Prototyping #DigitalDesign #VoiceTechnology #DesignProcess #FutureOfWork #Programming #CreativeTech #Innovation #DigitalTransformation #DesignLeadership #UserExperience #ProductDesign #TechTrends #AIInDesign

May 26, 2024Comments are off for this post.

Redesigning My Website: A Journey Towards Improvement

I was interviewed by an AI tuned for UX design about my recent web design overhaul and here's what AI had to say.

Read more

August 20, 2009Comments are off for this post.

WordPress/Thesis Tutorial: Custom Google Search Engine

One of the things you always want to provide visitors to your website is a good search tool. The default search tool that comes standard with WordPress is adequate. However, if your website covers a topic, or area of topics, or you have a Google AdSense account, you can take advantage of Google's Custom Search Tool. Read more

May 25, 2009Comments are off for this post.

Thesis Tutorial: Sidebars However You Like Them

One of the things I learned from creating multiple custom page templates within the Thesis framework was how to create and modify sidebars. WordPress and Thesis provide you with a simple an effective way for implementing sidebars on your website with the use of simple syntax, options, and widgets. Read more

April 28, 2009Comments are off for this post.

Thesis Tutorial: Dynamic Image Header with Transparent Logo

One of the tools that I use is Chris Pearson's fantastic Thesis WordPress theme framework.

In an effort to contribute back to both the Thesis and WordPress communities I have documented how to embed the Next-Gen Gallery plugin to your header, or banner image and place your logo above it. This functionality allows you the ability to have your banner image change how you like it beneath your logo at the top of your website.

Why Would You Want To Do This?

If you would like a variety of images in your header beneath the logo/type and manage them in a central location. Once the initial programming and configuration are setup it's all image management after that.

You may have clients that would like the option of changing their header image on their own and this gives them that option.

Things you will need to perform this tutorial:

  • WordPress
  • Thesis (optional. You can do this without Thesis but we are using it here)
  • Next-Gen Gallery plugin for WordPress
  • Photoshop (or other image editing software)

First Things First

You will need to have WordPress, Thesis, and Next-Gen Gallery (NGG) installed before proceeding.


Once everything is installed we are ready to go. First you will want to determine the size of your image, or header. What is that dimension in pixels? You will need this for both creating the image and for settings inside of Next-Gen.

Once you have the width and height of your header determined it is time to create/optimize your images that you intend on using. For our purposes of this tutorial the size of our image/header is 857 pixels wide, and 150 pixels high.

Preparing The Images

We used Photoshop to create a layered file containing all of our images so that we can position and scale them within the size constraints and save out the multiple versions of the file. You may want to import your logo, or typeset your text now, to position it on top of all the images so that you can determine the static position that the logo/type will present itself.

Once we have all the layers in the proper positioned its time to save out all your files. In our example we created 5 different images to use. We used smart naming conventions to make sure we can tell these images from others just by their names. We titled our images:

  • header-01.jpg
  • header-02.jpg
  • header-03.jpg
  • header-04.jpg
  • header-05.jpg

Now that the images are prepared its time to prepare the logo/type.

Preparing The Logo/Type For "floating" On Top

We should have our logo/typesetting in place from our previous step of getting our images sized and positioned. We need to do the following steps:

  1. Make sure logo/type is in correct position
  2. Ensure that we have a drop shadow created
  3. Turn off all image layers
  4. Check transparency
  5. Trim the logo/type down to size
  6. Save out proper format of file

Make sure logo/type is in correct position

You want to make sure with each and every image layer you have saved out that your logo/type is in the position you want it to appear on all images.

Ensure that we have a drop shadow created

Select your logo/type layer then select the layer/layer style/drop shadow inside the menu options of Photoshop.


Adjust the settings to your liking and you should see a drop shadow from your logo/type on top of the image.


Once you are happy with the shadow its time to save out the logo/type image.

Turn off all image layers

You should turn off all image layers so that you only see your logo/type and shadow.

Check Transparency

Once all images are turned off and the only layer turned on is your logo/type you should see transparency behind the image. In Photoshop—you should see the checkerboard pattern—it should look like this:


Trim the logo/type down to size

With only the logo/type layer displayed you will want to trim out all the uneccessary image data. In Photoshop you want to select Image/Trim


You should now have a much tighter logo/type that still has the shadow present.

Save out proper format of file

You want to select File/Save For Web and Devices


Once presented with the save dialog window you will want to set the following parameters for your file.

  • Image type: PNG
  • Colors: perceptual
  • Number of colors: (depends on what looks good and how large the image file is. Play with this setting)
  • Dither: diffusion
  • Dither %: 88%
  • Transparency: check box 'yes'
  • Matte: None
  • Transparency Dither: Diffusion Transparency Dither
  • Amount: 88% (Play with setting to get desired result)
  • All other settings default

Here is what my settings looked like:


Once your settings are how you like them, save the file with a distinguishing name.

Save it to the custom image folder inside of Thesis: ~/wp-content/themes/thesis/custom/images/

You can now FTP that image to your webserver.

Now that the background images are created and uploaded into NGG, and your logo/type image is uploaded via FTP its time to get busy with the custom.css, custom-fuctions.php, and NGG settings.

Getting Next-Gen Gallery Settings Dialed In

The method presented below is our "hack" to making this combination of plugins and technology work. If you have an easier/simpler way to do this, please share! We are always open to more efficient approaches—who isnt? 🙂 That being said, here is what we did.

Create A Header Gallery and Upload Images

You want to be logged into the admin area of your website, http://www.[yourwebsite].com/wp-admin/

Once logged in you want to proceed to the gallery management tools near the bottom of the left hand side of the page:


You want to select Add Gallery / Images from the menu choices. On the next screen you want to give your new gallery a name, in my case it was appropriately "header."


The next step is to upload the images you previously saved. These are the background images, not the logo/type you saved. If you look at the set of tabs at the top of the screen you will see an Upload Images option. That is what you want to select. You need to click on Choose File and proceed to navigate to all your images and upload each one. Once you have all of the images listed, you should then select the proper gallery from the pulldown menu where it says Choose Gallery in the pulldown menu.


Once all your images are listed, your gallery is selected it is time to click Upload Images. This may take a few seconds depending on how large your images are so be patient.


Once the upload is complete you will see a confirmation at the top of the screen.


Manage The Gallery

Now click on Manage Gallery under the Gallery admin menu on the left side of the page. You should see your gallery listed under the Gallery Overview page. Click on the title to proceed to edit the gallery content. At this point you want to make sure that all the images you uploaded are present. If not, go ahead and add what you need.

Tweak the Settings

Now you want to confirm that the slideshow and the technology needed to run it are in place. You do this under the Gallery/Options menu item.


Of primary concern is the tab titled Slideshow. You need to look at the first option under this tab: Path to the Imagerotator. If the path is not already filled in, click the "search now" button just to the right. This should take care of things. If not, you may need to get JW Image Rotator from Jeroen Wijering. Follow the instructions and return here and click the "search now" button again.


Testing The Show

Now that you have uploaded the images and checked the slideshow technology is in place you should test out your slideshow to see if everything is working. This tests the slideshow, and if its working well, gives us some key code that we will need for custom_functions.php

The way we tested the slideshow was to create a test page, insert the slideshow, then preview the page.

I created a page by clicking on Pages/AddNew


I then give the page the title of Gallery Test in the title bar, then I click and icon in the top row, right. You can see it here in the screen capture.


Once I click that button I get a dialog box that lets me select from the pull-down menu the slideshow I want to insert, and lets me determine how I want to display the images—in this case a slideshow.


Once you have clicked insert you should see something like this showing up in your content area:

[nggallery id=5 ]

This is the code the NGG plugin uses to insert the slideshow. Now the code is in place I click publish, then I click preview to see the page and if the slideshow is working as I want it to. If its not you need to go back and double check your settings and that you have to get JW Image Rotator from Jeroen Wijering.

Assuming the slideshow test is working as you intended in your web browser, the next step is to look under the hood at the code being generated to display the slideshow. You will need to find this code, copy it, and then paste it into custom_functions.php to help build your new header. Fortunately I will show you my code here and you can copy/paste to make things work.

When you are looking at the webpage with the slideshow working as it should, you should "view the source code" to see the syntax that is making everything tick. One thing you may have noticed is that your slideshow is a different size than the header you want. Don't worry, we will change the size in the code.

What Is The Code?

The code you are looking for in the preview page source is this:

<div class="swfobject" id="so5_1" style="width:857px; height:200px;">
<p>The <a href="" onclick="javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('/outbound/article/');">Flash Player</a> and <a href="" onclick="javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('/outbound/article/');">a browser with Javascript support</a> are needed..</p>
<script type="text/javascript" defer="defer">
var so5_1 = {
	params : {
		wmode : "opaque",
		allowfullscreen : "true"},
	flashvars : {
		file : "",
		linkfromdisplay : "true",
		shownavigation : "false",
		showicons : "false",
		rotatetime : "6",
		transition : "fade",
		backcolor : "0x000000",
		frontcolor : "0xFFFFFF",
		lightcolor : "0xCC0000",
		width : "857",
		height : "200"},
	attr : {
		styleclass : "slideshow",
		name : "so5"},
	start : function() {
		swfobject.embedSWF("", "so5_1", "857", "200", "7.0.0", false, this.flashvars, this.params , this.attr );

<div class="ngg-clear"></div>
<div id="logotype">
<img src="" alt="">

Get your width and height

There are a few numbers you will want to change based on your design and your domain name. The first line of the code above is this:

<div class="swfobject" id="so5_1" style="width:857px; height:200px;">

You want to replace the width and height with the values of your banner graphics. You should know this from creating the graphics previously. There are 2 other places in the code above where you need to replace the width and height. One place is inside the flashvars declaration:

flashvars : {
	file : "",
	linkfromdisplay : "true",
	shownavigation : "false",
	showicons : "false",
	rotatetime : "6",
	transition : "fade",
	backcolor : "0x000000",
	frontcolor : "0xFFFFFF",
	lightcolor : "0xCC0000",
	width : "857",
	height : "200"},

The last place is in starting the function here:

swfobject.embedSWF("", "so5_1", "857", "200", "7.0.0", false, this.flashvars, this.params , this.attr );

NOTE: Be sure to change the domain to your domain name in the paths above.

So all together the code inside your custom_functions.php will look like this. We are first moving the main navigation below the header (this is optional for you) then inserting the banner:


remove_action('thesis_hook_before_header', 'thesis_nav_menu');
add_action('thesis_hook_after_header', 'thesis_nav_menu');

/* Next-Gen Gallery into Header */

remove_action('thesis_hook_header', 'thesis_default_header');
function ngg_custom_header () { ?>

<div class="swfobject" id="so5_1" style="width:857px; height:200px;">
<p>The <a href="" onclick="javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('/outbound/article/');">Flash Player</a> and <a href="" onclick="javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('/outbound/article/');">a browser with Javascript support</a> are needed..</p>
<script type="text/javascript" defer="defer">
var so5_1 = {
	params : {
		wmode : "opaque",
		allowfullscreen : "true"},
	flashvars : {
		file : "",
		linkfromdisplay : "true",
		shownavigation : "false",
		showicons : "false",
		rotatetime : "6",
		transition : "fade",
		backcolor : "0x000000",
		frontcolor : "0xFFFFFF",
		lightcolor : "0xCC0000",
		width : "857",
		height : "200"},
	attr : {
		styleclass : "slideshow",
		name : "so5"},
	start : function() {
		swfobject.embedSWF("", "so5_1", "857", "200", "7.0.0", false, this.flashvars, this.params , this.attr );

<div class="ngg-clear"></div>
<div id="logotype">
<img src="" alt="">

<?php }

add_action('thesis_hook_header', 'ngg_custom_header');

CSS and Your Logo

Now that you have the rendering of your banner in place, the thing to do now is get your logo to appear on top and in the position you would like. The code we added to our custom.css file is this:

div#logotype {
	background-color: transparent;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	display: inline;
	z-index: 2;
	position: relative;
	top: -84px;

The key here is to position: relative; and to use negative top margin. This is what will get your logotype to appear on-top of the banner. Be sure to add the z-index in for good measure.

Be sure to save your custom_functions.php and custom.css file and upload via FTP and test, test test!

Wrap Up

This has been one looonnnnggg tutorial and if you have read to this point, you are both patient and persistent. You can see the banner that I have based this tutorial off of here at which is a web site in progress.

Do let me know if you have any questions about this process. I will help as best we can.

February 25, 2009Comments are off for this post.

Thesis Tutorial: Multiple Custom Page Templates

I have been working with Thesis for a little over a month now. Thesis is a relatively new templating platform for WordPress. Thesis has unmatched SEO, cross-browser compatibility, and top-notch HTML + CSS architecture. This website runs on Thesis.

I was looking through the Thesis forums and tweeting with others on how to get a solution to an issue. The issue has to do with creating custom templates. I want a custom home page design. I also want a custom template for other pages. Basically I want multiple custom templates available under one design. I have tried to explain what I have found below. I welcome your comments and ideas. There may be other ways to do this (usually is) but here is how I did it. Hopefully this can help others.

A Little Thesis Primer

If you are familiar with Thesis you can probably skip to, "Getting To It." The way Thesis works is to keep all customization inside of one folder--that is part of its genius. Whenever the templating system is updated you overwrite the entire file structure, save your custom folder, and replace that back in and voila you have arguably the best templating system under the hood while keeping your design in tact. This may not seem like much to the layperson, but for those of us that design and develop web sites on platforms like WordPress it is a godsend.

So back to multiple custom templates inside of Thesis.

All of the custom files sit within one folder in ~/wp-content/themes/thesis/custom/

Image of folder structure of where custom files sit inside Thesis

Every customized design using Thesis has their custom templates, css, and images stored within this folder.

To create custom page templates you need to use Thesis' ingenious "hook" system that allows you to tinker with the components of any part of the standard layout or, if you are brave, roll your own layouts and custom designs. The best entry-level instruction I have found for understanding and using "hooks" is at the web site of Sugarrae: here it is.

Once you have the basic understanding of "hooks" under your belt, have your designs ready to go, and have some WordPress chops, you are ready to create multiple custom page templates.

Getting To It

First thing you need to do is make sure you have your "home page" set to really be the home page. Whenyou are logged in as the admin go to settings/reading. "A static page (select below)" should be set to your homepage. See this image:


Once I have done this I then need to make sure I have selected the "Custom Template"option from the drop down menu on the right side when you are editing any page (not posts!):


So, first I want a custom home page template.

In the file thesis/custom/custom_functions.php I added:


function home_pagecustom() {
/* check to see if homepage. has to happen inside the function */
if (is_home() || is_front_page())  {
...Your custom layout goes here...
<?php } }

/* Now we tell Thesis to use the home page custom template */

remove_action('thesis_hook_custom_template', 'thesis_custom_template_sample');
add_action('thesis_hook_custom_template', 'home_pagecustom');

The code above has been whittled down to show only the essential code. It works to display a custom home page as long as you have selected "custom template" from the pulldown menu when editing the 'home' page.

You may insert any HTML and style it in the custom.css file. Be sure to save custom_functions.php and custom.css and upload to your ~/wp-content/themes/thesis/custom/ directory.

One Custom Page Down.
How About A Second?

So how do you add another custom template after defining the home page template?

You need to define another function for your next page template. You can add as many functions (think page templates) that you like. Each one needs a unique name. You also need to define the conditional properly. You need to make sure that the conditional is within the function—it will not work outside of it.

Use the right *if* statement to make sure you apply the right template to the right page. I typically put the page tag and the page ID—a type of insurance. You can find a page ID by hovering your mouse over the link to edit the page when viewing a page list within the admin area of WordPress.

This example below is testing for the "press page" and if it is, puts the WordPress content on the left side of the page and both sidebars to the right:


function new_presspage() {
if (is_page('press') || is_page('512')) { ?>

<div id="content">
<div class="post_box">
<div class="headline_area">
	<h2>Your Headline</h2>
...This is where your content goes...
<div id="sidebars">
<?php thesis_build_sidebars(); ?>

<?php } }

add_action('thesis_hook_custom_template', 'new_presspage');

Since you already invoked the "remove_action" on the 'thesis_hook_custom_template' in order to replace the home page first you do not need to repeat it.

The example above looks exactly like the standard content column on the left with dual sidebars on the right. I used a custom template in this instance because I wanted to perform specific calls to the database and produce specific lists of posts. Since I am doing it this way I also create the ability to style the page however I like through the use of creative CSS implementation.

Wash, Rinse, Repeat

You could then repeat the code above and apply it to any number of specific custom templates you would like. All you need to do is

  1. create a unique function name
  2. reference the right page in the conditional
  3. make sure conditional is within the function
  4. place whatever content you would like within the proper divs
  5. style the content within the custom.css file
  6. make sure your page within WordPress has the custom template selected as its template option
  7. test, test, test

That's it. This tutorial should get you well on your way to creating multiple custom page templates within the single custom_functions.php file. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions I welcome them below.

Hope this helps.


This article is translated to Serbo-Croatian language by Jovana Milutinovich.

LAST BIT was made for you by me—Bert—using WordPress with the Semplice theme, a variety of plugins, a sprinkling of custom programming for effect, lots and lots of coffee—actually too much coffee—and 90's hip-hop.




More details in the Colophon.


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